Professional Members
List of current members
By harnessing the knowledge, experiences, and resources of our percussion community, we intend to be a positive and proactive force in supporting aspiring professional percussionists from underrepresented and underserved communities. Through the collective input of these distinguished performers and educators, our Professional Members will help the NDCP realize its mission.
Professional Members may participate in the following ways:
Leading Individual Sessions (private lessons, personal mentoring, and/or professional development) and/or Group Sessions (performance masterclasses, studio classes, mock auditions, percussion equipment maintenance classes, and group mentoring sessions).
Loaning and/or donating equipment.
Advising and/or helping a student in your area (see Percussion Guidance Counselor).
Promoting the Network and our activities on social media.
Donating to help fund our Youth and Emerging Artist Programs.

*denotes required
NDCP Cohort Faculty:
Percussionists who provide masterclasses, professional development, mentoring sessions, and lessons
for NDCP Youth and Emerging Artists - this list changes every season
Keith Aleo, Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen Arts Camp
Trevor Barroero, Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Lineage Percussion
Douglas Cardwell, New Mexico Philharmonic (former), Santa Fe Pro Musica
Pius Cheung, University of Oregon, soloist, composer
Gwendolyn Dease, Michigan State University, soloist, chamber musician
Ian Ding, Freelancer, DePaul University
Abby Fisher, Northern Arizona University, Fisher/Lau Project, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra
Lauren Floyd, Freelancer, Lineage Percussion
Haruka Fujii, Silkroad Ensemble, soloist
Jauvon Gilliam, National Symphony Orchestra, University of Maryland, Capitol Percussion, National Orchestral Institute + Festival
Jason Haaheim, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Bard College
Josh Jones, Grant Park Orchestra
Ross Karre, Oberlin College & Conservatory, International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE)
Matthew Lau, Freelancer, educator, soloist, chamber musician, entrepreneur, Fisher/Lau Project
Patti Niemi, San Francisco Opera Orchestra, author
Richard Scerbo, National Orchestral Institute + Festival director
Steven Schick, University of California San Diego, soloist, chamber musician, conductor, author
Julie Spencer, Soloist, composer, educator, freelancer
Wesley Sumpter, LA Philharmonic Resident Fellow (former), freelancer, Lineage Percussion
Shaun Tilburg, Phoenix Symphony, Pocket Publications
Earl Yowell, Shenandoah University
Angela Zator Nelson, Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University
... and a very special guest to be announced on Instagram and Facebook!!!
NDCP Professional Members:
Timothy K. Adams, University of Georgia, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (former), Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (former)
Keith Aleo, Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen Arts Camp
Michael Barranco, Freelancer
Trevor Barroero, Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Lineage Percussion
Matthew Bassett, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
Jim Benoit, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Joe Bergen, Mantra Percussion
Jonathan Bisesi, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Boston University Tanglewood Institute, George Mason University, University of Maryland
McKenna Blenk, Performer, educator, freelancer
Michal Brauhn Damm, Performer, composer, educator, freelancer
Kyle Brightwell, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Boston University
Michael Burritt, Eastman School of Music, soloist, composer
Douglas Cardwell, New Mexico Philharmonic (former), Santa Fe Pro Musica
Sergio Carreno, Oregon Symphony
Keith Carrick, Utah Symphony
Pius Cheung, University of Oregon, soloist, composer
Alison Chorn, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Eastern Music Festival
Scott Christian, National Symphony Orchestra, University of Maryland
Chris Clark, Clark Media Productions
Britton-Renè Collins, Performer, educator, Concert Artists Guild, Excelsis percussion quartet
Eriko Daimo, Marimba soloist, Juilliard Pre-College
Patsy Dash, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Percussion Scholarship Group
Steph Davis, Performer, composer, educator, cultural activist
Gwendolyn Dease, Michigan State University, soloist, chamber musician
Elizabeth DeLamater, Educator, freelancer, scholar, PAS Diversity Alliance
Ian Ding, Freelancer, DePaul University
Quincy Doenges, Waveform Collective, educator, freelancer
Escape Ten, Percussion duo
Dave DePeters, National Repertory Orchestra
Niel DePonte, Oregon Symphony (former)
Zachary Edwards, Freelancer, Edwards Mallets
Jeremy Epp, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, University of Michigan, Brevard Music Center
Andrew Ferdig, Johnstown Symphony Orchestra, freelancer
Pedro Fernandez, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra
Maria Finkelmeier, Berklee College of Music, MF Dynamics, artist, composer
Abby Fisher, Northern Arizona University, Fisher/Lau Project, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra
Lauren Floyd, Freelancer, Lineage Percussion
Haruka Fujii, Silkroad Ensemble, soloist
Jauvon Gilliam, National Symphony Orchestra, University of Maryland, Capitol Percussion, National Orchestral Institute + Festival
Tom Greenleaves, Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra
Jason Haaheim, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Bard College
Julie Hill, Global Citizen Adventure Corps, University of Tennessee at Martin (former), Percussive Arts Society President (former)
Cory Hills, Creator of percussive storytelling; LA based recording artist
Michael Hopkins, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band
Matt Howard, Los Angeles Philharmonic
Brandon Ilaw, Freelancer
Josh Jones, Grant Park Orchestra
Dinesh Joseph, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Dragonfly Percussion
Ji Hye Jung, Vanderbilt University, The Percussion Collective
Ross Karre, Oberlin College & Conservatory, International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE)
Stephen Kehner, Oregon Symphony
Wardell King, Performer, educator
Marty Kluger, Springfield Symphony Orchestra
John Lane, Sam Houston State University
Matthew Lau, Freelancer, educator, soloist, chamber musician, entrepreneur, Fisher/Lau Project
John Leister, Teacher, performer, retired school principal
Stanley Leonard, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (former)
Ryan Leveille, Charleston Symphony Orchestra
Darren Lin, “The President's Own" United States Marine Band
Ken Lovelett, American Percussion Instruments
Jeffrey Luft, Luft Mallets
Quintin Mallette, Fayetteville State University
Sidonie McCray, United States Army Band "Pershing's Own"
Fernando Meza, University of Minnesota
Joseph D. Mitchell, California State University Dominguez Hills, freelancer
Patrick Moore, South Carolina State University (HBCU)
Jason Niehoff, United States Navy Band
Patti Niemi, San Francisco Opera Orchestra, author
Jacob Nissly, San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Joel Panian, Jacksonville Symphony
Andrés Pichardo-Rosenthal, Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Brian Prechtl, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, composer, teacher
Mike Ranelli, Freelancer
Recap Quartet, Percussion quartet
Matt Richards, Missouri Symphony, Virtual Percussion Music Festival
Pablo Rieppi, New York City Ballet, Juilliard Pre-College, Percussion On The Sound (POTS!)
Luke Rinderknecht, Chamber musician, Bowdoin International Music Festival
Milton Salazar, Freelancer, teacher
Sandbox Percussion, Percussion quartet
Richard Scerbo, National Orchestral Institute + Festival director
Steven Schick, University of California San Diego, soloist, chamber musician, conductor, author
Matt Sharrock, Transient Canvas, Hinge, Chameleon Arts Ensemble of Boston
Aaron T. Smith, Loyola Marymount University, California State University Northridge, Percussive Notes
Megumi Smith, California State University Dominguez Hills, Santa Monica College, Youth Orchestra Los Angeles
Sam Solomon, Boston Conservatory, Boston University, Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Juilliard Summer Percussion Seminar
Chihiro Snider, Freelancer, teacher
So Percussion, Percussion quartet
Leonardo R. Soto, Houston Symphony, Brevard Music Center
Julie Spencer, Soloist, composer, educator, freelancer
Alan Stewart, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
Amy Stubbs, Sacramento Philharmonic, University of Pittsburgh, A. Stubbs Percussion
Marcelina Suchocka, Sarasota Orchestra, Britt Festival Orchestra, Excelsis percussion quartet, Pathos Trio
Ian Sullivan, New York City Ballet, Rutgers University, Columbia University
Wesley Sumpter, LA Philharmonic Resident Fellow (former), freelancer, Lineage Percussion
Third Coast Percussion, Percussion quartet
Shaun Tilburg, Phoenix Symphony, Pocket Publications
Luis Vargas, Freelancer
Joe Venegoni, Performing artist, musician in dance
Karlyn Viña, Shenandoah Conservatory
Donna Walker-Kuhne, Walker International Communications Group, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Impact Broadway, New York University
Chris Whyte, Portland State University
Alana Wiesing, Tucson Symphony Orchestra, University of Arizona, National Orchestral Institute + Festival
Cynthia Yeh, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, DePaul University, Aspen Music Festival
Earl Yowell, Shenandoah University
Angela Zator Nelson, Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University
Nancy Zeltsman, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Berklee College of Music, soloist
Kyle Zerna, New York Philharmonic, Manhattan School of Music